Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Night out at Hyehwa

Went over to Hyehwa with Stephenie (Singapore), Valerie (Canada), Chie (Japan) and Naza (Kazakhstan) after school. Hyehwa is just around 15 minutes away from school, but it looks amazingly different from Anam area. In fact, with all the flashing neon lights and quirky unique small shops, it resembles more like a mini Myeongdong.

There are a lot of dessert places here, which were tempting us to enter, although we were super full from our dinner. Look at the wide assortment of waffles below! The variety alone makes me wanna go there to enjoy them!

And look at the French style bakery. Actually this is part of another chain in Korea, and there are lots more similar looking bakeries around. And their breads and pastries look super tasty all the time! It's super unlike the ones seen in Breadtalk. The pastries are all nicely glazed, and look so fresh like it's just out of the oven.

Many of the food places here are part of Japanese chains. This is probably the street that has the greatest number of Japanese food stores I have ever seen in Korea, yet. Mister Donut is an example. Mister Donut is special as it created many cartoon characters out of the numerous donuts the chain sells. Here, the 2 characters, Pon De Lion and French Wooler, are part of the chain's creations. They are actually wearing the donuts that the store sells! And their advertisements are super cute! Just look at the Youtube links I found.

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