Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kim Bap in CJ House

Back at CJ House again. I am supposed to be studying for my test for tomorrow's 2 exams, but of course, no mood to do so at all, especially when there is class after this! Watching Youtube now on Steve Job's keynote address of Iphone. I know I abit slow, but watching it makes me appreciate my Iphone even more!
Here's wad I am having currently: Kim bap and yoghurt drink! Kim bap is Korean sushi, and this one, Tuna Kim bap is my favourite of all. It costs $2.30 and it is super huge! It's almost the same size as my handphone (it's a Korean Motorola phone that I got secondhand for $50)! And the yoghurt drink, which tastes exactly like Yakult, costs $1 for 15 bottles! It's damn worth the price!

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