Thursday, March 19, 2009

First CCA in Korea: LECA

At the school's CCA fair, I signed up for 3 CCAs: Traditional Music Society, Symphonic Band and LECA (Living English Conversation Association). And today, I attended my first CCA meeting for LECA!

I was late for the meeting, of course, together with Sybil and Valerie. When we first got outside the meeting room, we were actually hesitating whether to enter or not, especially when there were clapping sounds inside. When we got in, there were around 20 people inside, all Koreans except for me, Sybil, Shan Ming, Yong Hui, Stephenie, who are Singaporeans, and Valerie, who is Canadian.

The CCA meeting was really slack. Basically we were given an article on the personalities on different blood types and we had to comment on the article with the person beside us. My 'buddy', whom I already forgotten the name at time of writing, was a girl who majored in dental science. And she is damn young! If I am not wrong, she was born in 1990! In fact, the Koreans there are all younger than us; they are born on average 1989 to 1991 and are mostly freshmen.

Of course I was damn relaxed, since I could speak English. But my buddy looked damn nervous, cause she wasn't too good in speaking in English. She actually told me that it was the first time that she was holding a proper conversation with a foreigner and that she was really nervous about it!

Yonghui's buddy was rather funny. All the girls thought he was hot, but his personality was rather wierd. He told Yonghui that he loves white skin, so he uses an obscene amount of sun block each day before going out. And he told her to call him by his English name - Khan! Like in Genghis Khan (as quoted by him)! Damn wierd guy. If I get to talk to him next week, I will tell him to call me by my new English name - Kimchi. Kimchi Khoo.

One girl stood out from the meeting for her course major: Home Economics Education. Wah damn wierd lah! I looked through the course requirements and they actually study modules like Food Preservation Techniques and Sewing classes. And that is not the wierdest one. I was looking at a women's university website, and the school has modelling as a major! Even models need university education!

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