Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Baseball finals

Koreans are crazy over baseball! The baseball league had been going on for the past few days, and each time Korea's in a match with some other country, most tvs around school would be broadcasting the match, and everyone (like seriously everyone) would sit near the tv and cheer for Korea. And the noise, woah man! Sounds just like a stadium! Everytime they cheer, I will 'chuah (4) jit eh', especially during lunch.

Today is the worst! It's the finals match between Korea and Japan, and the mood here is just crazy! My Korean friends even wore baseball caps and other memorabilia to cheer on the team!

And for my first class, my finance lecturer came in and said, "I won't be taking attendance today, cause I know that many would have skipped class to watch the finals," followed by, "Shall we all go watch too?" And then he proceeded on to cancel class and got everyone to go to some cafeteria to watch the match! Wah lao, if only Singapore can on-soccer, den I can get to skip lessons alr!

Of course, I cannot understand the game at all, since firstly, I have never played baseball at all, and secondly, I don't think I even play any sporting games! But damn paiseh mah, if I just go off liddat, so in the end stayed for a while to catch the game and sneaked away after that.

And seriously, every tv in school was tuned to the match, and everyone were glued to the tv screen. I even saw guys running to the cafeteria after class so that they could catch some action. And whenever Korea scores, woah, it's so deafening the floor can shake that kind! Even the girls were screaming, till the throat can see vein kind. Unbelievable!

Oh no, this post is so Singlish! But no choice, cause I needa rush out to go shopping (as part of my school project, not playing k!), and when I rush, all sorts of nonsense comes out.

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