Friday, March 20, 2009

Samgyeupsal: 1 Month Anniversary

Just celebrated my one month anniversary with the Singaporeans at a restaurant near school. We had samgyeupsal, or barbequed pork in Korean. It's really famous here, and often seen in Korean dramas, where people grill the pork and wrap it with lettuce leaves. This restaurant, which I forgot the name (like in most cases, since the name's in Korean, and I know only enough Korean to bargain for clothes and find the toilet), is situated just across the street from my school, and offers buffet (with many choices, like pork fat, pork, chicken, chicken innards, beef, octopus, sausages and a wide assortment of vegetables) for only $8! Another great example of why I love Korea so much.
Sorry Stephenie for the unglam shot. You look ghastly here.

In return, this is the damn overexposed and blur picture of me and Chee Keong. My hoodie sweater costs only $30 from Dongdaemun. Hoodies are really popular here; most of the guys in school wear them. I got mine in my bid to become more Korean-looking. It works of course, cause many Koreans talk to me in Korean, and English to Valerie, although Valerie probably speaks Korean a million times better than me.

One funny thing happened after dinner just now. We were all walking back to CJ House just now, when we saw 2 guys touching and feeling each other. Shan Ming screamed 'Eeee!!' immediately. The rest of us were so paiseh we had to walk away immediately in case they turn back to see who that was. Apparently, Sybil, Stef and Olivia was in class yesterday (I think) and saw a guy stroking the sideburn of his friend (yes, of the same gender) during class when the professor was teaching. Didn't expect Korea to be so open-minded!

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