Thursday, March 26, 2009

Forever 21 and me

Woah bought my first ever clothing from Forever 21 today. The Forever 21 store in Myeongdong is really huge, comprising 3 storeys, and sells male clothings too! (though I feel really wierd carrying the shopping bag, since Forever 21 only sells female clothes in Singapore)

I think Valerie is getting irritated with me, cause I keep practicing the Korean I have learnt in class on her. And of course, my Korean standard is really KNS, and I have to keep pausing so that I can think of the right word to use. Just now, I was in an underground tunnel and it was freezing cold, so I shouted out 'Cold!' in Korean, and the girls in front of me actually turned to look over at me. Later on, Valerie told me my wierd accent made it sound like 'I like you!' instead. Wah, damn paiseh!

And interestingly, my main medium of communication nowadays is actually Teochew and Hokkien! Cause there are more people who can understand Mandarin than English, and most of the time, when we Singaporeans don't want the other people to understand what we say, we speak in dialect. And we always get stares in our direction, probably cause we are speaking in such a wierd tongue. Apparently, Sheena, one of our NUS exchange friends, loves speaking in Hokkien, cause she can curse and swear all she wants and nobody would understand. And she really does that often (even said the full KNNBCCB in front of the class)!!

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