Thursday, March 5, 2009


Wah long day today. It was raining for the entire day, so no one really wanted to go out after school. So in the end Ziyi and I went over to Hansot to settle our dinner at 4 odd. But it was still very early after dinner, so we went to walk around the neighbourhood instead. Surprisingly, we somehow reached Dongdaemun (Orchard Road of Singapore) after 1.5 hours! Pretty amazing right! The malls there are scary! Every mall has at least 7 levels of shopping, all divided into different categories, like female clothes on levels 1 and 2, male clothes on level 3, shoes on level 4, bags on level 5 etc. And the sales people there are fierce! When we got up to the male floor, there were already salesmen asking us to go to their shops and telling us to slow down and look at their goods. Some were even physical (like touched us on our arms and such)! We were so surprised we kinda went up for a while and quickly exited the mall.

Anyway, we went past a cool fast food joint - Lotteria. This is the MacDonald's of South Korea, and there are quite a number of them in town, probably more than MacDonald's here. And their layout are so similar that if I didn't notice the sign, I would think this is Mac.

This gadget was given to us at the counter. We were told (of course through lousy English and lotsa hand gestures) that the gadget would ring and light up when our food is ready for collection. Super cool!

Isn't this just like Mac? Especially the floor tiles, chairs and tables! Notice the Lotteria sign on the glass panels. Yellow and Red colours too!

Here's their set. Shrimp burger, bulgogi burger, 2 piece chicken, fries and drinks. No chilli sauce though :( The chicken pieces here are really small, unlike those in Singapore.

On the way back, we stopped at the waffle shop near school and got ourselves ice cream waffles. Yeah, it's kinda silly to be eating ice-cream when the weather is freezing, but it's cheap! A waffle with maple syrup and 3 scoops of ice cream costs only $1! Interestingly, the same waffle with maple syrup and fresh cream costs $1 too. There's totally no hesitation choosing between the 2.

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