Friday, March 20, 2009

Singapore Food + Byeori's Birthday

Celebrated Byeori's birthday today. By right, her birthday's 2 days earlier, but we (Stephenie, Saebyeok, Valerie and I) figured that she would probably be celebrating with her close friends instead, so we decided to meet up today instead.

Today's meal was a surprise to her, cause she had no idea that we whipped up a special Singapore lunch for her. The day before we bought ingredients for local dishes at Itaewon's foreign goods market, and made roti prata, spring rolls, chicken curry for lunch! And because Byeori loves fruits, we even got for her mangoes (unfortunately in a can) and durian!!

Look at the huge feast here! I made the chicken curry all by myself! Looks just like the real thing right! But I added too much coconut milk, and the curry got super diluted. Tasted more like spicy coconut milk instead. Luckily I had backup sambal chilli, so it somehow tasted more curryish in the end. Well, at least no one complained!

Here's me, Stephenie, Byeori and Valerie. Unfortunately Saebyeok was taking the photo, so she can't be in the picture. And we din bother to get someone else to take a picture for her too. Look at the durian on the left. Costed us $8! And it was kept frozen in the fridge when we got it. The shopkeeper told us that it was imported one month ago, but we were really skeptical about it. And because it was frozen, we couldn't really smell the durian even though it was this close.

Me trying to think of a strategy to open the durian. It's my very first time trying to open a durian on my own. I had to wear my winter gloves so that I wun get stabbed by the thorns! And Byeori was so surprised by the sight of it. She had never seen a durian before in her life, and she was so amazed that she kept taking photos of it using her handphone.

Of course, in the end I managed to get the fruits out. Byeori thought that the fruit would be sour due to the smell, and so was surprised that it actually tasted sweet. And the creamy texture reminded her of ice cream. She said the fruit tasted like caramel, which is a rather wierd term to describe a durian.

And of course, us Singaporeans were so glad to have had a Singaporean meal after 1 month here. Damn high after that!

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