Monday, April 13, 2009

Namsan Tower (New)

Finally, the yellow dust situation in Seoul has died down a little, and the weather looked really good, so us Singaporeans decided to head over to Seoul Namsan Tower, which is probably the highest point in Seoul, to view the surrounding skyline and scenery. SDC10579SDC10585

For drama fans, the following picture should look familiar. In Boys over Flower, Jandi and Jun Pyo came to Namsan Tower for their first date, and Jandi bought coffee for Jun Pyo from the very same coffee machine! A bit bo liao, but we kept guessing which machine was filmed in the show, and we came to conclusion that this is the one.SDC10577SDC10592Namsan is a damn good place for couples to hang out. The grilles of the tower, as can be seen below, are all covered with locks. Apparently, couples buy locks and lock them at Namsan Tower to symbolise for long-lasting love.

SDC10597 SDC10599 Ziyi and Sheena are so ‘close’ nowadays that Sheena keeps calling him her boyfriend. In fact they claim that they sleep together every night! Here, they are pretending to put the locks on the tower. SDC10603SDC10607 When we were there, there was a teddy bear exhibition going on at the same time, so there were teddy bears everywhere! Here, we kept posing with the teddy bears; so cute!!


SDC10593 SDC10612 SDC10614 SDC10576Orh, the view at the top of the tower is damn nice! We went at a really good timing, just before sunset, so we could see the transition from day to night, and the lights in the buildings lighting up. So worth the money lor! And damn cheap too, maybe $10 dollars?

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