Monday, April 13, 2009

Chuncheon – Petite France

On the way to Chun Cheon, we had the opportunity to go over to Petite France, which is a small town that is modelled after France. In fact, the houses here are all imported from France, brick by brick!

It was a refreshing change to see some European architecture after staying in Seoul for so long. It really did feel like going to another country, except for the fact that I still didn’t understand what the people around me were talking about.

And for K-drama fans, Petite France also happens to be the filming location of MBC drama, Beethoven Virus. I watched it, and it was so fun going around the rooms and pretending to be in the show. In fact, Kang-Mae (the conductor in the show)’s room has been kept the way it was, so that everyone can pretend to be him!

IMG_2014Petite France is named after the famous novel “The Little Prince”. On the picture above, you can actually see the prince sitting on the edge. Inside the town, there are also other characters’ statues from the book.IMG_2015IMG_2016 IMG_1932 IMG_1934 IMG_1936 IMG_1941 IMG_1947 IMG_1951IMG_1957 IMG_1962Kang-Mae’s room. Everyone was making use of the opportunity to pretend to be him. There are lotsa props available for people to use, such as batons, scores, instruments etc. IMG_1967 IMG_1971 IMG_1988 IMG_1991There’s a chicken museum in the town, which seemed pretty out of place. Nonetheless, we all had our opportunity posing with our Golden Chicken Award. IMG_1995IMG_2005

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