Sunday, April 12, 2009

Chuncheon – Nami Island

Our last destination in Chun Cheon before heading back to Seoul was Nami Island. We left the shower room at around 6am in the morning, took a cab, followed by a train, then another cab, and finally a ferry before we reached our destination.

Nami Island is most famous as the setting for popular Korean drama, Winter Sonata. I haven’t watched it before, but Yong Hui did, and she was so excited the moment she reached the island. There are a lot of information posted everywhere on the island relating to the show, like where the main leads had their first kiss, where they met, where they dated and etc. Those who have watched the drama may find some of my pictures familiar.

Although I haven’t watched the show before, I was still smitten by the beautiful scenery of the place. Nami Island has really beautiful trees and plants, and there are animals running about freely, which is so different from most parts of the city.

And I can understand why the show was filmed in winter. When we got there, spring was beginning, and there were so many insects flying around! Yong Hui was basically screaming around every few hundred metres, and kept fanning herself to shoo off the insects. Hahah, really funny!

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