Sunday, April 12, 2009

Chuncheon (Exerpt)

Wow, I am currently surfing the Internet from a shower room in Chuncheon, a town 2 hours ride from Seoul. I know I am pretty swaku, but this place is really unlike any experience I have ever had! The moment I went into the main hall (for men), everyone is totally naked! Woah lao, Ziyi and I were so embarrassed! I know I have showered with guys before in the army, but this is a totally different league! The naked men were talking, sleeping, chatting, bathing and making lotsa noises in the main hall itself. Wah, first time kena shocked liddat!
Apparently YH had it worse. I don't think she has ever bathed in the open before, and she said there were different shapes and sizes around the hall. Hahah, Internet time is almost up; will update more when I go back to Seoul tomorrow. Meanwhile, must go and explore around this place for now :)

Our shower building. 1 floor for women, 1 floor for men, and 1 floor for mixed. Of course everyone in the mixed floor is fully clothed. Really cheap too; only $8 a night, plus bed clothes!
All dressed in the typical shower room clothes provided here. Rather ugly, but beats wearing our old clothes from the day.

What we had for dinner earlier. Chun Cheon is really famous for their dak-galbi, which is some kind of chicken cooked with a spicy sauce, alongside rice cakes, potatoes, onions and udon noodles. Really tasty, but too much for the 3 of us! We ended up stuffing ourselves like mad. Only $10 a person!

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