Monday, February 23, 2009


Just came back from orientation today. Woah the school is really beautiful, and the orientation was actually quite fun! Actually the front part was quite routine, like some presentation, den tour around the school and a Korean language placement test.

The after school part was the fun part. The entire OG went over to a fried chicken place near the school called ‘Chicken Mania’ and for 10,000 won (roughly SGD10) we got, per table of 4, a bucket of KFC-style fried chicken, a large plate of roasted hot chicken parts, a large fries, salad, pickles, canned fruits and one bucket of beer! The food was so excessive that we couldn’t finish eating them at all! Although our buddies are not very proficient in their English, they were all super friendly, and we just sat there chatting for hours.

I seriously think this is the best orientation I’ve had in my life. Looking forward to starting school next week!

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