Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bought Travel Guide from Borders

This shall be my first web post! Went to Orchard with Royston today and I managed to get something unexpected from Borders. Here it is - tah dah!

Usual Price: $42.75. After 30% discount (voucher courtesy of Hui Chuan): $29.90. After maxing out my Borders Gift Card (from my army seniors): below $20! I think it's quite a steal lor. Was looking inside the guide and woah, there's like so many places I wanna go! I think visiting the palaces alone will take me at least 1 month already!

I can so imagine wearing shades, carrying a dSLR and bringing this book and a map along Seoul downtown. This is going to be the biggest adventure of my whole life till now. It's like watching myself in a movie, so exciting!

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