Saturday, May 2, 2009

Gyeongbokgung (景福宫/경복궁)

Chin Keat came for a short holiday to Seoul during the weekend from Beijing, and hence became the very first friend of mine to come visit me here. He brought bak gwa from 美珍像, which tasted damn shiok! He wanted to visit somewhere historical, so we went over to Gyeongbokgung to view the palace.

DSC_5587DSC_5609 DSC_5599 DSC_5615 The palace reminded me a lot of the previous palace I went to, but the highlight of the entire trip was that I saw the King! He was taking a stroll with the queen at the royal garden, together with a horde of palace maids and bodyguards when we were there, and we took so many pictures of him! I can’t believe I was so lucky to have seen them the first time I went to the palace!

SDC10688 SDC10698 SDC10701 SDC10705Anyway, for those who are getting lost here, these people are just actors. Heh, no real kings here (although there are real descendants of the last King of the Joseon Dynasty. Managed to see one 2 days later, performing a rite for the past king)! But then, it’s still very exciting to see one whole group of people wearing ancient clothes and walking around. The men even wear fake moustaches! Anyway, the ‘King’ takes a half hour walk around Gyeongbokgung every day at 2pm, so those who want to catch the royal walk can do so at that time!

Also at Gyeongbokgung are free costumes for people to try out. Not only that, we were given the opportunity to wander around in the costumes and take pictures. Exciting!

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For the rest of our time in the palace, we just went around taking silly shots. Chin Keat brought along a DSLR, so we basically wandered everywhere to take pictures. And the pictures turned out pretty good too! Even the standard jump shots look sharp. Orh, I want a DSLR already!

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We also took super unglam shots of us imitating the standard Sybil pose at Busan beach! Damn erxin!

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