Saturday, June 13, 2009

Some updates

Okie, I know I haven't blogged in the longest time ever; mainly cause my computer broke down (which is still not fixed as of now. It gets cranky once in a while still; have to coax it into starting up). Of course, it's also partly due to my lazyness, but knowing me, when examinations are coming, everything else seems super exciting, so here I am, blogging again.

1. Attended 'Ipsilenti'; an annual outdoor school concert where the most popular Korean celebrities would perform at the school's stadium. I guess the highlight of the event was the appearance of Super Junior, which made the female fans scream like mad. The ticket cost - $8.

2. Attended the Korean-ASEAN Conference at Jeju Island as a Singapore delegate. It was a great opportunity to meet up with many Korean and ASEAN students from top universities, not to mention the free food, hotel lodging and airfare! Oh, and I stayed in a suite (2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and 2 bathrooms) at a famous resort; super luxurious! And I even appeared on the news (both tv and the papers) while hiking with the First Lady of Korea! Okie, a bit boastful here, but I was really so glad that I went for the event!

3. Visited Andong, a rural countryside with Daedong, my Daegu friend. His family was super nice to host me for a weekend, and I was basically brought around everywhere in the countryside. Woah, and first time staying in a farmhouse too! Daedong's family grows grapes, but it wasn't the ripening season, so didn't get to taste them. The countryside is so beautiful, with lush mountains, sparkling rivers and vast greenery! Exactly the kind of spot for retirement!

4. Watched a new SBS drama - City Hall. It's basically talking about a woman who lives in a countryside, who unexpectedly became the mayor of the city. Very very interesting! The show makes politics sound so fun. Super drama, super funny, super chemistry!

Photos will be updated soon :)